We offer a unique variety of high quality handmade hanging mobiles in all shapes, colors and sizes. As a tasteful and harmonizing room decoration, a mobile enriches not only private rooms, but also stores, workplaces, medical and therapy practices, restaurants, hotels and waiting rooms. And of course we also offer lovingly designed mobiles for the baby's bed and children's room.


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Mobiles – Why we love them

Mobiles are contemplative. A mobile just wants to be looked at. A breeze that we barely notice brings it to life – silently and in perfect balance. For the moment we behold without doing or wanting anything else.

Mobiles are ingenious. As creatures living on the ground we love to challenge gravity. Apparently floating, the mobile embodies our love for skill, artistry and the conscious play with the laws of physics.

Mobiles are beautiful. You can not build a mobile without carefully thinking through how to design and arrange the elements. Connected by threads or wire, the colors, shapes and materials also form an aesthetic connection. Moving freely while being embedded in a higher structure – that's art, that's how we are.

Where to place an art mobile

Above lower furniture such as tables, side tables, televisions or dressers, there is usually a lot of empty space that offers nothing to the eye but the view of the surrounding wall. A mobile vivifies such empty spaces with its floating elegance, setting a counterpoint to the static architecture. 

The corners of a room are also often neglected. An upright mobile finds space here and offers the eye variety.

Above head height there's usually nothing except for lamps. Placing a widespread mobile higher up brings this area to consciousness, making a room look larger.

Vor einem Fenster machen sich Mobiles ebenfalls gut: Helles Tageslicht und direkte Sonne bringen ein Mobilé je nach Material zum Leuchten oder Glitzern, während bei schlechtem Wetter von ebendiesem abgelenkt wird. Zu achten ist darauf, dass die Wärme von Sonnenlicht manche Materialien (vor allem Kunststoff) beeinträchtigt.

Mobiles are also doing well in front of a window: Bright daylight and direct sunlight can make a mobile shine or sparkle (depending on the material), while with bad weather they destract from it. It should be noted that the heat of sunlight affects some materials (especially plastic).

In business premises such as workplaces, waiting rooms and in shops, mobiles offer enjoyable distraction to the eye.

In representative entrance areas or a lobby you can set a great accent with a very large mobile.

Mobiles and babys – a few tips

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Safety: The suspension height of a mobile above a baby bed must be adapted to the growing baby so it can not reach it and get entangled.

Field of vision: Newborns initially have a limited field of vision. They only see somewhat sharp at a width of up to 30 centimeters. Therefore, a mobile should initially hang at about this distance. The better your baby learns to lift his head and arms, the higher up the mobile will have to be.

Colors: Babies prefer bold and contrasting. Muted tones or pastel colors are more difficult to recognize.

Less is more: A wild mix of colors and shapes is not necessary. More than a handful of hanging elements of a mobile might overwhelm the baby. Also, the even rotation or the quiet rocking of a gently blown mobile fascinates them much more than a vigorously scuffed and hecticly dancing mobile.

Best spots: Wherever you would like to distract or calm a baby is a good place for a mobile. Such places are mostly over the cot or the crib, at the changing table and above the dining table. It's no coincidence that virtually every pediatrician has at least one mobile at their office.

Eyes and ears: Not all babies can use the mobile as a sleeping aid, some rather feel stimulated. However, the mobile can stll be nicely supported by sounds, a lullaby, a music box or white noise.

Since when do we have mobiles?

One would think that something as universally appealing, which can be made of alomost anything such as a mobile should have existed for ages. But wrong: Alexander Calder, a sculptor from the USA, is considered the inventor of the mobile. And lived up until the year 1976.

As a young man in the Paris of the late 1920s, Calder met, among others, the artists Arno Breker, Piet Mondrian and Fernand Léger. During this time, he developed his enthusiasm for kinetic, ie moving sculptures.

When he began to lift these sculptures up and balance them in midair the mobile was born. Calder presented his first major exhibition of mobiles in  1931 in the French capital. He pursued his concept further and further to oversized abstract objects in outdoor areas as well as motor-driven mobile sculptures.

Our mobiles are not original designs by Alexander Calder. However, his influence on contemporary mobiles is no less than that of Leo Fender on electric guitars.