The filigree mobile evokes various associations with its circular and leaf-shaped elements. Do you recognize leaves and flowers? Or birds in the sky? In any case, the mobile shines with a charming lightness and gently sways in breezes of air.
The elements of the mobile consist of duch-dyed 600 grams paper which the artist paints and laquers manually before signing the mobile. The crossbeams are made of stainless steel.
For this mobile, blue and turquoise elements are combined with green ones. A pink circle rounds off the arrangement.
This mobile is available in other versions – see below.
You can find an overview of all mobiles from the Leaf, Wipp and Swipp series
The mobile is a tasteful and unobtrusive room decoration for dining tables, living rooms and waiting rooms, hotels or workplaces. It is being delivered fully assembled with a long thread.
Material: paper, stainless steel
Height: appr. 40 cm
Width: appr. 65 cm