The charming bird house unfolds in a modern minimalism from simple elements into a familiar form. The supplied rope with snap hook allows hanging the feeding station from a garden tree, a pergola, the balcony or in front of a window, where you can best watch the winged guests.
The bird place comes in the following colors: white, green, red, black, olive green, pastel blue and curry yellow.
The bird house is
optionally available with a wall bracket. It can either be fixed with screws or tied to a pole, mast or tree using a wire, a cord or a metal band. The wall bracket comes without fastening materials.
The bird feeder, made of powder-coated steel, comes in a flat box the size of an A4 page and serves very well as a gift. The two halves of the roof and the bottom can be simply bent outwards. The delivery includes the wooden stick on which the birds can land.
There is a larger version of this birdhouse in A3 format – see below.
Material: powdercoated steel, wood
Made in Germany
Height: 21 cm
Width: 30 cm
Width of Roof: 22 cm